This is the time of the Star Kings and the Star gods. Legend relates how these beings first stepped forth from the swirling Chaos and gave order to their universe. These creatures lived for an instant and an eternity, as time did not exist. During this period there occurred a great war which gave rise to several talismans of great power later to be known as the Rings of Telos and the Rings of the Vampire Lords.

It is said that only two beings survived this war one from each side. Eventually these two beings became known as the Creator and Rhea the Divine Mother. The War was so great that their Universe could not contain it and thus it fell back into the chaos that birthed it. Only these two beings and the talismans of power survived the first universes destruction. From the chaos the two stepped forward to give birth to a new universe and so began the first age.


The First age was the time before the creation of Aesir when the Creator and Rhea breathed life into the universe. During this time they created Magic and the Heavens. From the union of the Creator and Rhea the Elder gods born. To these beings the creator gave the names of Arth, Silvernus, Chronos, Michel, Gabrel, Suriel, and Auriel. Together with their parents the Elder gods created the worlds.


During the second age the Creator established Aesir and brought forth plant and animal life. Aesir was, at that time a wild primeval garden. Giant creatures such as dinosaurs and titans roamed the earth. The fires of creation wielded by the elder gods also caused the swirling chaos to spew forth hideous creatures of evil later to be known as Demons and Devils. During this Second Age the Gods of Aesir were born to the Elder Gods.


The Third age began when the Gods of Aesir brought forth the Elven and Dwarven peoples. At that time both races had been given the gift of Immortality, as the Creator had not yet decreed death. During this time the Elves and Dwarves ruled the world battling titans, demons, and other ancient evils. The magic’s wielded in those days surpassed anything since.

Near the end of the Third age the forces of chaos struck against the Dwarves and Elves and thus started the Demon Wars. The Demon wars lasted for several thousand years during which time great and powerful magic’s were wield by both sides in hopes of winning the war. In the end the Elven and Dwarven peoples won the war and forced the demons to the nether regions of the outer planes.

Though the war was won the world was devastated. Nearly ¾’s of all plant and animal species had become extinct. The Dwarves and Elves knowing that their world would die unless they did something to save it crafted a mighty spell of healing that drew on the life force of all living things including themselves for power. The spell though skillfully crafted and perfectly performed failed. The damage wrought by the Demon Wars were too deep and too extensive to be healed with Dwarven and Elven magics. The only hoped laid in the gods. The Elves and Dwarves appealed to the gods to restore health and balance to a world that they had foolishly wrecked. The gods themselves looked to the Creator for direction.

The Creator gazed upon the devastation wrought by the Demon wars. His spirit searched through the darkness and despair of those days seeking reasons for the destruction that had been wrought by those he had created. His anger grew with each new horror he saw in the souls of his creation. The Creator declared that the world would be made anew but that a price must be paid by those who had devastated his world. He blamed not only the Devils and Demons but the Elves and Dwarves as well. The price that was to be paid would change all concerned forever. The Demons and Devils were, by the Creators words, bound to the Nether regions being only allowed to leave their plane when summoned. Furthermore, the creator decreed that no new souls would be given to Demon and Devil kind, their race would not be renewed. The Elven and Dwarven races were also punished for misusing the magic’s that had been given them. He stripped the Dwarves and Elves of their Immortality decreeing that from that time forward all creatures of flesh and blood would grow old and die. The spirit, the spark of creation that animates the flesh, though would journey on to new realms before returning to the heart of creation so that it could learn all that existence could teach it. Thus was death brought into the world.

The magics that had been wielded in the final days of the battle did not just cost the Elves and Dwarves their Immortality but it also caused the long decline of both civilizations. The Elves and Dwarves had won but at a very terrible price slowly over the centuries and eons fewer and fewer of their number have been born eventually both races will fade away.


The forth age has come to be known as the Age of Mankind. This age began when the Demon wars had finally ended. The Gods of Aesir assembled and gazed upon the face of the world. They saw how the war had destroyed the world and they stretched forth their hands to bring forth new life. New life and new wonders flowed from the gods. Foreseeing that eventually the Elves and Dwarves would fade from the world they sought to create a new race to tend the world. The gods gave birth to Mankind perhaps their greatest and most unpredictable creation. The Forth Age has been divided by historians into three separate eras.

The First Era: The Dawn of Mankind

During the first era Mankind was nothing more than a primitive cave dwelling creature. Humanity was nothing more than a baby knowing nothing of life or existence. It is written in the ancient histories of both the Dwarves and the Elves that the gods hid Mankind’s existence from them. The Gods it said feared that mankind’s older siblings would subvert or destroy them before they had a chance to experience existence. It is said that in the beginning Humans were confined to one great island known as Atlan, which was hidden by a veil created by the gods.

The gods protected Mankind like a mother lion protects her cubs. During this time the gods themselves walked amongst man teaching them and guiding them. Humanity grew strong and numerous. The gods were pleased by what they had created saying behold our children of which we are greatly proud. Eventually mankind grew curious about what was beyond the veil. The gods warned them that they must not go past the veil least they be lost to Atlan forever.

The gods had given man a keen mind, a sound body, and a strong sense of curiosity and wonder. These gifts grew strong in man and lead them to eventually leave Atlan. The gods were not angered by this but made proud for they had never intended that man should stay confined to one island forever but rather that they should choose to seek out their own way. By forbidding them from returning they knew that when they eventually did leave that they would be ready for the challenge of the outside world. Thus ended the First Era.

The Second Era: Age of Legends

The Second Era is the time of Legends. As mankind spread across the face of Aesir they encountered the world for the fist time. They saw with new eyes the wonders of creation and they were awed. The Older races did not know what to make of these new beings and at first they shunned them. But as man spread across the world and began creating communities they came to the attention of several of the older races who at first sought to use them for their own purposes but soon found that their younger siblings were not as naive as they had thought. As time went on the older races began to see that humans were a fast growing quickly multiplying species and they actually were falling behind them in some ways. Tensions and jealousy began to grow amongst the species and eventually erupted into open conflict – thus began the Race Wars. The Race Wars raged periodically for many centuries until there came a King who united the races for the first time in all of History thus began the Third Era.

The Third Era: The Drannorian Age

The Third Era began with the Birth of a single child. This Child was the off spring of a Human King and an Elven princess and his name was Cinhil Drannor I. This child would grow to be one of the greatest heroes in the history of Aesir. Drannor grew to become a great warrior and general and was able to unite the Races and end the the the Race Wars.

The following is a listing of the most important dates in the History of the Third Era based on the Drannorian Calendar.

0 I.R The Birth of Cinhil Drannor to King Rhys Drannor and Mrythia Silverspirit.
26 I.R Cinhil Drannor becomes King of his father’s realm, the nation of Kal.
30 I.R Cinhil weds Solari Silvermane Daughter of the Sindorian Elves High Queen Crysania Silvermane
35-55 I.R Cinhil begins a twenty-year campaign of diplomacy and persuasion to unite the human kingdoms together and bring peace to the continent. His efforts to promote trade and understanding between the other Kingdoms results in the creation of the Alliance. The Alliance is a collection of Independent kingdoms that have banded together for economic reasons.
58 I.R Having secured his borders and brought peace to the human kingdoms Cinhil settles down with his queen and she bears him a son, Janath Drannor I.
62 I.R Cinhil second son is born, Shadam Drannor
66 I.R Cinhil Third son is born, Corellan Drannor
76 I.R Cinhil only daughter, Ilil Drannor, is born
103 I.R Cinhil marries his first-born son to the daughter of the King of Erin the monarch of a large human Kingdom on the Southwestern continent of Khem. The aging monarch of Erin signs a treaty allying Erin with the mainland. Cinhil’s kingdom nearly encompasses the entire continents of Kish and Khem.
123 I.R Cinhil signs the treaty of the Races creating the first council of the Races uniting Human, Elf, and Dwarf and thus is born the Drannorian Empire.
132 I.R Greymire God of Despair in hopes of upsetting the balance and gaining power gives seven of his trusted worshippers the Rings of the Vampire Lords. With the powers from the rings Greymire begins to assemble a great army of darkness in the blighted Islands.
145 I.R The War of Darkness begins with the Assassination of Cinhil’s first born son and his family
146-185 I.R The War of Darkness. The war finally ends when Drannor with the aid of his greatest mages forge The Relics of Drannor. These Items of power blessed by the Gods of Good enable Cinhil to do battle with Greymire himself and eventually banishes him from the mortal plane for the first time.
205 I.R Cinhil having served as Emperor for over nearly two hundred years finally abdicates the Thrown to his Second son, Shadam.
205-386 I.R The reign of Emperor Shadam Drannor I
387-502 I.R The reign of Emperor Loren Drannor I
503-612 I.R The reign of Emperor Janath Drannor II
612-698 I.R The reign of Emperor Clavius Drannor I
699-768 I.R The reign of Emperor Shadam Drannor II
768-810 I.R The reign of Emperor Morgan Drannor I
810-911 I.R The reign of Empress Mara Drannor I
911 - 1008 I.R The reign of Lear Drannor I
965-978 I.R The Eastern Raiders War: A series of highly successful Pirate raids result in Emperor Lear I sending the Imperial navy against the pirate lords of the Eastern Ocean. The Imperial fleet drive the pirates back to the Island Nation of Tol Skane were they are finally defeated.
1008-1102 I.R The reign of Emperor Moff Drannor I
1102-1196 I.R The reign of Emperor Shadam Drannor III
1196-1250 I.R The reign of Emperor Shadam Drannor IV
1250-1308 I.R The reign of Emperor Javan Drannor I
1309-1389 I.R The reign of Emperor Michael Drannor I
1389-1445 I.R The reign of Emperor Moff Drannor II
1446-1478 I.R The reign of Emperor Shadam Drannor V
1478-1556 I.R The reign of Emperor Cinhil Drannor II
1556-1589 I.R The reign of Emperor Marcus Drannor I
1565 I.R Greymires worshippers in secret gain possession of the fable orb of Cristar. With this powerful magic item Greymires worshipers are able to break his banishment and return him to Aesir.
1570 I.R Greymire cloaks himself in illusion and magic and takes on the identity of a minor noble Baron Kor Blackhaven. During the midsummer festivities Greymire using his new identity appears at the royal court.
1571-1582 I.R Greymire begins to infiltrate the court over the next several years. Greymire slowly rises to power eventually befriending the Emperor.
1582 I.R Greymire (Kor Blackhaven) is appointed personal advisor to Emperor Marcus Drannor I.
1583 I.R Emperor Marcus I only son is born, Kimed I.
1586 I.R Greymire (Kor Blackhaven) is appointed the new princes royal ward and Regent.
1589 I.R The Emperor Marcus I dies suddenly in a tragic and prearranged) hunting accident. Greymire becomes Regent and selects the Regent Council.
1590 I.R Queen Isril the Emperors wife dies of a broken heart. (Actually she is poisoned by Greymire)
1596 I.R At the age of 13 Greymire arranges for the crown prince to sail to the Island Nation of Cyrus to stay a few years with his distant cousins.
1597 I.R On one of his return trips home from Cyrus the Crown prince ship sinks in a terrible storm. All aboard are lost and presumed dead.
1598 I.R Crown Prince Kimed’s death creates a vacuum on the thrown. The Great war of Succession begins as several candidates vie for power.
1599 I.R Having defeated all claimants to the thrown and with the blessing of the Imperial Council Kor Blackhaven claims the Thrown.
1600 I.R Greymire (Kor Blackhaven) ascends the golden phoenix thrown and is crowned Emperor. The century of Darkness begins.
1600-1650 I.R During the first fifty years of the century of Darkness Greymire consolidates his hold on the thrown and begins to reveal his true nature.
1606 I.R Knom is born
1622-1626 I.R Knom joins the temple and becomes a Monk. He finishes his initiate training and starts on his career as an adventurer.
1626-1641 I.R Knom adventures for many years growing in power and knowledge. Knom meets and befriends many people during this time including the young prince of the Elven people Eld Silverspirit.
1651-1660 I.R The Nightmare war: Greymire having strengthened his hold on the human Empire begins a campaign against the non-human races.
1652 I.R Eld Silverspirit now King of the Elves summons his old friend Knom asking for his help and advice.
1655 I.R Feeling that there is no one who can resist him Greymire drops the disguise of Kor Blackhaven and reveals his true identity to the world.
1656 I.R Eld Silverspirit, Knom, Zeronte, Amazon, Wiedba, Etol Ehim, Muttly, and Enhoj band together to form the Chosen. They vow to find away to defeat Greymire. The Chosen take the Oath against Evil.
1659 I.R Having worked against Greymires forces for the last three years the Chosen assemble the materials needed to defeat Greymire. With the aid of the god Pan-Suthar the Chosen forge the Legendary Star Sword.
1660-1663 I.R The three-year winter begins. The Campaign to retake the Empire begins.
1664 I.R The Elves drive Greymires forces out from the Eternal Forest.
1665 I.R Knom discovers the only living descendant of the Imperial Family. The newly discovered Heir is convinced to take up the cause. Xavier Morgan leads the growing Human Army against Greymire.
1666 I.R In a final face-to-face confrontation the Chosen led by Xavier Morgan attack and defeat Greymire. Greymire is wounded by the Starsword and forced back into banishment.
1670 I.R It takes several years after Greymires defeat to restore order to the land.
1671 I.R The Humans, Elves, and Dwarves send representatives to meet with the Chosen and Xavier Morgan. After several months of negotiations it is announced that the Council of the Races will be reformed.
1672 I.R The newly restored council chooses Xavier Morgan as the new Emperor. The Drannorian Empire is Restored.
1675-1705 I.R The Capital City of Silvermist is restored.
1710 I.R Knom whose life has been prolonged by the gods ascends bodily into the heavens. Soon the worship of Knom is proclaimed.
1720 I.R After several miraculous sightings of Knom and miracles attributed to him are confirmed by many witnesses the Church proclaims him a god. During this same year a group of friends from childhood hold a reunion at the Silver Unicorn Inn. These young people will eventually become the Champions of Knom.
1725 I.R Greymire sorely wounded and still not completely returned from banishment gains possession of the seventh ring of Telos. With this ring Greymire gains control of magic
1726 I.R Late Summer: Eld Silverspirit Elven lord and Hero of the Nightmare War dies. Initially his death is thought to be an accident but it is later learned he was killed by Greymire. One Week after his death Greymire reveals himself to those at Elds Funeral. Greymire predicts the loss of magic and his eventual rise to the thrown of Krin to become king of the Gods. The Imperial Council calls an emergency session and sends out a summons calling together the greatest hero’s of Aesir. From this group ten are selected to become the Chosen of Knom. Early Winter: On the first full moon of Lupus Greymires Prophecy is fulfilled and Magic passes from the world. That very night the Champions of Knom now grown strong and experienced find themselves visited by the gods. The Champions of Knom are each given special gifts and told to search for the rings of Telos if they wish to restore magic to the world. The same night that the Champions of Knom are visited by the Gods the Chosen receive a visit from Knom. Knom tells the group that they must search out and recover the Relics of Drannor. Only with these powerful items can Greymire be defeated.
1740 I.R The Chosen recover the final relic of Drannor and begin the journey to Greystone and the final confrontation.
1741 I.R The Champions locate the sixth ring and unlock the gate to the Temple of Sun. There deep beneath the ancient temple is the Worlds Heart source of Magic. The Champions Journey through the Temple of the Sun and eventually are able to reawaken the Worlds Heart with the six rings. Magic is Restored. Around the same time that the Champions are restoring magic to the world the Chosen enter Castle Greystone. The final confrontation with Greymire begins. The Chosen wielding the weapons of Drannor are able to defeat Greymires forces. The Chosen attack Greymire and wound him but before he can flee the Creator and the Elder gods intercede. Greymire fights back but is held by the Creators power. The Creator banishes Greymire from Aesir forever binding him in Hell.
1742-1850 I.R The Golden Age: Over a hundred years of peace and prosperity ensue. Magic now stronger than before allows the world to be recreated into a near paradise.
1850-1900 I.R Petty squabbling between wizards and dark experiment begin to take their toll. The once Strong Empire now fat with greed and corruption results in the Empire eventually collapsing. The Drannorian empire dissolves into a number of petty states. Powerful corrupt Wizards begin to take over. Soon several large nations arise ruled by powerful wizards.
1900-1930 I.R The Mage wars break out
1930 I.R The Evil Archmage Nickarahamus casts a spell of his own design that allows him to draw a large comet from its path in the heavens. His intent is to send it crashing against his enemies. Unfortunately the Comet he calls forth is larger than expected and he is unable to control its course. The Comet crashes into Aesir causing the Breaking of the World. Thus Ends the Forth Age and the beginning of the long Night.


The fifth age of the world is born in fire and ice. The comet when it crashes causes the planets mantel to crack and shift causing earthquakes and volcanic explosions across the globe. The face of the world begins to change. Aesir once green and fertile is gripped in a miniature Ice age as the dust and debris kicked up into the atmosphere blocks the sun and triggers an ice age. The Long Night begins. The Long Night lasts nearly a year but eventually the Sun once again rises. The first hundred years of this new age is referred to as the 100 years of darkness. Even though the sun can be seen after the first year it still is very dim. For approximately one hundred years the dust in the atmosphere will block most of the suns light and cause it to appear as a small reddish orange cinder in the sky.

Life on the planet is nearly destroyed thousands of plants and animal species become extinct. The Planetary Ecosystem is in ruins. The Intelligent races of Aesir are also nearly driven into extinction. Only small pockets of life manage to survive and than only due to the extraordinary efforts of a number of dedicate spell casters who foresaw the coming destruction. Yet life is extremely hard and half of those who survived the initial destruction die within a month.

The Ice Age lasts for nearly 30 years. The Intelligent races of Aesir are thrown into seclusion. Mankind survives in small villages and enclaves. The Older races retreat into shelters of their own creation using the last of their racial magics.

The gods seeing the horrible destruction weep for their children. The gods attempt to put things right but the scope of the devastation is great and only time will heal the planet. Unfortunately those who survive don’t have the luxury of time. The gods realize that their children’s only hope lies with the Creator. Only the Creators power and wisdom can make the world whole again. The gods of Aesir call upon the Creator once again to save the world. The Creator takes pity on Aesir and agrees to renew the world. The Creator in his wisdom realizes that the destruction wrought was due in part to the constant meddling of the gods in the affairs of mortals. The Creator strikes a deal with the the gods that they will no longer directly interfere in the affairs of mortals. He also realizes that Humanity needs guidance and so he sends the a Savior to teach them.

Joshua Adams is born (Most Sages place his birth sometime in the old calendar year of 1964 I.R around the same time the Ice Age ended.) In 36 A.B, Joshua begins his ministry and teachings.Joshua is seized by his enemies and killed for his teachings and his supposed practice of magic. His death results in four miracles occurring that forever changes history. These miracles are known as the Miracle of Passing, The Miracle of Arising, The Miracle of the Ascension, and the miracle of the light revealed. In the closing days of this year the followers of Joshua assemble in the great conclave. From the Great Conclave arise the foundations of the modern church. Shortly after the founding of the Church – Joshua appears to his followers and promises to heal the world.

Shortly after Joshua appears to his followers the Healing Rains begin: massive rainstorms develop along the equator and eventually trigger a massive chain of storms that sweep across the planet. In some areas of the world it rains for nearly a month continuously. The rains cleanse the atmosphere of the remaining dust and debris. By the end of the year the sun shines unhindered and the world begins to heal itself. The Ecosystem begins to heal and the earthquakes and volcanoes subsided. The Face of the planet stabilizes. The Races begin to recuperate. By 250 A.B The Twelve Human Kingdoms are founded and the infant church gains prominence in the new human lands.

Unfortunately the time of healing is not an easy period. Forces of Darkness (Demons and Devils) long locked away are freed during the Breaking and begin to insinuate themselves into areas of power where they begin to corrupt the teachings of Joshua. The practice of Magic is outlawed by the Church which has gained unprecedented political powers. The non-human races are branded demon spawn and are driven away from human settlements. Those who dare to worship the old gods of Aesir or who practice magic are hunted down and killed. The forces of Darkness do all they can to isolate and control humanity. The true teachings of the Church are lost and the blessings of the Creator, such as magic, are shunned and reviled. This time of darkness lasts for 800 years.

In 1050 A.B during one of the frequent purges performed by the Church several people flee the destruction of their hometown into the mountains and stumble upon an ancient temple dedicated to the god Praydon, the ruler of the gods of good. There in the ancient temple these refugees begin to discover the truth about their history and the corruption of the Church. These refugees begin a quest to restore the balance to the world again. With the aid of the gods of Aesir the Warriors of Light seek out the Truth about the Church and realize that the Devils have gained positions of power within the Church and that the Archprelate is actually a powerful Devil. The Warriors of Light seek out and find the World Heartstone, an artifact of great magical power, that allows them to seal the rift created by the breaking. Using the World Heartstone the Warriors of Light are able to banish the Demons and Devils once more and thus ends the fifth age.