Sixty seven percent of the surface of Aesir is covered in water. Over the eons the seas and oceans of Aesir have changed as the continents have drifted apart or together. Currently there are 5 recognized oceans and 3 seas. These are:


Thirty Three percent of Aesir is covered in land. The majority of that land is divided into 6 major continents and a number of islands. Aesir is a geologically active world and the Continents have not always looked or been where they are today. Several thousand years ago at the end of the fourth age Aesir was struck by an extremely large Asteroid that had been magically pulled down from space during the Mage wars. The Asteroid devastated the planet and cracked the crust shifting the continents. Even today the effects of that impact are still being felt in the form of increased earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The Continents of Aesir are:


Aesir is a world forged by the Gods and blessed with the Gift of Magic. The wonders of Aesir are too numerous to enumerate but a few of the more spectacular will enable you to envision its true beauty.

Mount Sil Telar – is the largest mountain on the planet soaring 32,832 feet above sea level. Situated at the center of the Continent of Chryn its snow capped peak soars high above the Jungle carpet that surrounds it. Upon its slop stands an ancient structure that is said to be a stairway to the heavens.

The Crystal Caves of Trelnor – This vast network of crystalline caves sits beneath the Trel Mountain range. It is said that the caves are guarded by the Druids as they lead to the very heart of Aesir.

The Islands of St. Michel – This chain of 12 volcanic tropical islands are covered in a vast forest of Crimson leafed trees with golden bark. These trees don’t grow anywhere else in the world. The trees stand out against the black sand beeches that dot the coasts of the Island.

Rainbow Lake – This lake sits in the center of a valley on top of an ancient dormant volcano deep in the Forbidden Wastes of Meara. The volcanic gases that seep up from below have infused the waters of the lake creating a swirling acidic chemical bath of bright rainbow colors.

The Great Rift Valley’s – The rivers and streams of Kish have carved the land creating a series of enormous canyons that cut through the land.

The Great Kelpie Forest – This underwater forest can be found near the center of the Tethys Ocean near the equator. This vast forest of Kelp is home to a diverse aquatic environment and the homeland of the the Merman.

The Fire Caves of Partha – These caves can be found deep in the heart of the frozen lands. The Fire Caves are a network of caves that have formed due to the cracking and moving of the crust due to geothermal activity in the area. The Caves are studded with deposits of fire opal and are extremely hot from all the geothermal activity. Many of the caves have pools, rivers, and/or lakes of lava that rise up from below.

The Hot springs of the Syphus Mountains – The southern tip of Westron is mainly a mountainous region. Hidden in these mountains are beautiful valleys that have been barely touched by man. In several of these valley there are hot springs that boil up from the roots of the mountains. Several of the valleys also have fields of geysers.